
Science: Planets

NASA space games National Geo Planet Memory solar system games We have been learning about the planets. We have worked together in pairs to sort cards into the right categories.  Then we worked as a whole class to sort the cards and check our learning and understanding. We had a visit from the Planetarium.

Conjectures in English - finding plural rules

Conjecture: an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information. synonyms: speculation, guesswork, surmise, fancy, presumption, assumption, theory, postulation, supposition. We can use conjectures in math and English by coming up with theories or ideas about how things work.  First the teacher provides us with a task or a question.  Students solve the problem or share their ideas and then try to come up with an explanation or theory. English Conjecture:   can we group plural words together in groups and explain the rules for turning singular words into a plurals? We are learning plural rules - as a whole class, we have made a conjecture already about words ending in y.  Initially our conjecture was that all words ending in a y needed to be changed when adding an s.  We had to change the 'y' into an 'ie'.  Then Ms Leanne gave us some words ending in y and we tried to turn them into plurals to test our theory.  We decided our conjecture was


We are learning how to work as a team. We know that a team is a group of people who are working to achieve the SAME goal. We think a team needs a leader and some team members.  We brainstormed the things we need to do as a team member. We need to think and share our ideas.  Listen to everyone else.  Plan together how to achieve the goal. We found out the difference between a leader and a boss. A boss gives instructions - tells people what to do. A leader - shares the goals with the group, asks for ideas, decides on the best idea together with the team. We figured out a way to communicate our ideas and agree without big arguments. If we are disagreeing we can use a pros and cons list we can assess each idea.  Then we can decide if we can solve any problems on the cons side, or if an idea needs to be discarded. Making Bridges Then we practiced these skills by working in teams of 3.  We attempted to make a bridge, from an A4 sheet of paper, that would hold up when Ms Lea

Formal letter writing

Kahoot Science Quiz

Kahoot Science Quiz

Place value review

The songs won't automatically play in the slideshow, so I have included those at the bottom of this post. Don't forget our place value songs in our songs list (in the dropdown box).

Welcome to 2018 in P3

Welcome to our class blog.  This will give you information about what we are doing throughout the year, as well as show pictures and videos to demonstrate our learning.  There will also be math, literacy and science games to compliment our learning. We have completed the first two weeks of school and here are some of the things we have been doing in the classroom... Math We have been practicing place value strategies to help us add two digit numbers together quickly, like 48+11 = 40+10 and 8+1, and we have looked at making 10s or doubles to help us, ie; 8+6 = 7+7 or 10+4 We have been reviewing our bonds to 10, 20 and 100.  Some students are still learning their bonds. We tried prodigy game which is an online math game.  It allows the teacher to review all the math concepts each child attempts, so I can work with children on any concepts they don't understand.  It also allows your child to play and practice their math skills at home.  Parents are able to track their child